Saturday, March 28, 2009

Live Like You're Dying

Church Planting Series, Part six

Have you ever waited for test results from a doctor’s office? Have you ever been faced with the possibility that you may die? Very soon. All done.

Tim McGraw sang a song about this type of experience. It’s called: “Live Like You Were Dying."

Take a look at some of the lyrics:

He said: "I was in my early forties,
"With a lot of life before me,
"An' a moment came that stopped me on a dime.
"I spent most of the next days,
"Looking at the x-rays,
"An' talking 'bout the options an' talkin’ ‘bout sweet time."
I asked him when it sank in,
That this might really be the real end?
How’s it hit you when you get that kind of news?
Man whatcha do?

An' he said: "I went sky diving, I went rocky mountain climbing,
"I went two point seven seconds on a bull named Fu Man Chu.
"And I loved deeper and I spoke sweeter,
"And I gave forgiveness I'd been denying."
An' he said: "Some day, I hope you get the chance,
"To live like you were dyin'."

Priorities change. Risks become worth it. People become more important. Living God’s purpose becomes more urgent.

Every church plant needs to live like it’s dying. It really doesn’t have a choice, does it? When there’s no plan B, no back-up, no cushion money in the church bank account; when your church can die tomorrow, you know that you and your little group of Christ followers better get out there and share the news of eternal life.

A friend of mine was planting churches in Burkina Faso, West Africa. I remember sitting with him in a Muslim village, speaking with the Muslim elders, asking if we could hold literacy classes among their people using parts of the Bible as the reading lessons. Why did my friend ride this “Fu Man Chu Bull” (see the lyrics above)? He was living like he was dying.

Every church—-every Christian needs to live like we’re dying. As followers of Christ we’re supposed to know this. We’re supposed to know that being comfortable is an illusion, that if we eat, drink, and are merry today, our lives may be demanded of us this very evening.

Are you living like you’re dying? Is your church living like it’s dying? When you do, priorities change. Risks become worth it. People become more important. Living God’s purpose becomes more urgent.

What if you got the news that your church, church plant, ministry, or life would be over in six months? How would it change what you’re doing right now? The answer to this question might be the key to your direction in ministry and in life today.


Paul Krentz said...

Mike - I truly pray that our churches get this message and begin living with such urgency. Thanks for stirring us.

Mravica i Mrav said...

Now you've got it.... !!!! Right on!!!

Michael Newman said...

Thanks for the encouragement guys!