Wednesday, December 28, 2011

The Stones Cry Out

Are you noticing that the Gospel of Jesus Christ seems to be coming from sources that you would never expect?

Justin Bieber, American Idol, Survivor, Tim Tebow, The X-Factor, and even the Queen of England’s annual Christmas address. In his blog, Steve Addison commented that the Queen’s words voiced a more profound understanding of Jesus than the messages from England’s clerics (read it here:

What’s going on?

I wonder if the stones are starting to cry out. Remember in Luke 19, as Jesus entered Jerusalem to the praise-filled shouts of the people, the church leaders tried to quiet the people down. Jesus replied to these representatives of chosen Israel, these holders of the keys to the Kingdom, these shepherds of the flock, these keepers of the Word: “I tell you, if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out” (vs. 40).

What happens when the church starts to suppress the Gospel? What happens when the actions of God’s people do a disservice to the sacred message? What happens when those who are appointed to represent Christ focus more on representing themselves? What happens when the church turns inward, removes itself from its role of being a city set on a hill, and busies itself with survival and control instead of sacrifice and outreach?

The stones cry out.

I get a little scared about this. God sent Israel into exile because they squelched the message and mission. He had people like Nebuchadnezzar and Darius proclaim the Savior to the world. The “stones” cried out when the church forsook its first love.

So, back to Justin Bieber, Survivor, and Tim Tebow. As the stones begin to cry out, shouldn’t we in the church be shaken enough to remember our first love, repent, and get back to risking it all for God’s mission? What will that look like for you?

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