Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Money, Money, Money

Church Planting Series, Part nine

I had a theology professor who never ever talked about money. He was a doctrine guy. He dug deeply into the richness of the person of Christ and mystery of the sacraments. He led us to marvel at the poetic creedal statements of the early church in the Scriptures. He dwelt in the heavenly realms and gave each of his students a glimpse of God’s glory and majesty.

Then one day—I think it was on the very last day of classes—he brought up the subject of money. Seemingly out of the blue he said, “Brothers, remember, there is never a shortage of money in God’s Kingdom. There is only a shortage of vision.”

Wow. Come to think of it, I don’t think I ever heard him speak about vision either! But this doctrine guy WAS all about the church of Jesus Christ. He WAS all about the Gospel and the need for every human being to know the love of Christ that surpasses knowledge.

That’s why he brought up money.

We errantly believe that there’s not enough money out there, that money is THE big obstacle for ministry, that lack of money will always hinder Kingdom growth.

Hmmm, I seem to remember that, according to Jesus, even the gates of Hell cannot hinder the advance of God’s Kingdom (Matthew 16:18). So, what do you do about money?

First, DON’T BE AFRAID. As my professor said, there’s never a shortage of it-—even during an economic downturn. The Almighty God, Creator of all things, said in Psalm 50:9-10, “I have no need of a bull from your stall or of goats from your pens, for every animal of the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills.”

I love that verse. God’s portfolio has not been affected by this economic downturn. He’s got ownership papers for everything. There are no worries when He is in charge. He’s the ultimate creative Kingdom entrepreneur. He opens doors that no one can shut. Pray and trust in Him.

Second, ASK FOR IT. I’ve worked with many capital funding efforts. One lesson I learned early is that while many church leaders lament the shortage of money, not many actually ask for it. They teach ABOUT it, they dance AROUND it, but they never ask. Sometimes you know how much to ask for. Sometimes you have to give options. I remember talking with a couple who expressed the desire to help our ministry efforts by giving a memorial donation. I started by letting them know about the blessing of a $15 hymnal donation. I ended by letting them know about a $100,000 multi-media room they could donate. What did they choose? They donated the room! Who would have thought?

Don’t hide God’s giving opportunities. Some people need to hear what they can give.

Third, CONNECT IT TO THE MISSION. Money is not the goal; ministry is. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is. If the money doesn’t advance the Gospel, you shouldn’t be asking for it. If it does advance sharing the blood-bought gift of Jesus, then make the connection! People want to be part of that which impacts people’s lives for eternity. Share the vision, the dream, the heart of God.

Finally, SAY THANK YOU. I don’t mean simply writing a thank you note-—although you should definitely do that. Continue to affirm the Kingdom impact of people’s gifts. If you’ve shared the vision, then keep making the connection. This will lift up true stewardship. Years after the couple donated the multi-media room in memory of their 19-year-old son, I saw that it became a place where hundreds of young people heard about Jesus, brought their friends to hear about Him, and grew in discipleship and outreach together. I was blown away by God’s faithfulness. Look what He did! I jotted a note to the couple about how the dream they shared had born fruit and how many young lives were being brought to Christ in that very room. And I thanked them.

Giving people a chance to give money for God’s eternal cause is worthy and good. Don’t let the devil deceive you into thinking you should avoid the topic. And don’t let a shortage of vision for God’s Kingdom convince you that God’s plans are limited by YOUR checkbook balance.

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